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Capital formation in plant, machinery and equipment remains a major factor in growing our productivity and competitiveness.

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Prime Minister Trudeau is on track to increase per-person federal debt more than any other prime minister in Canadian history who didn’t face a world war or economic recession.

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Current policies seem to largely ignore fact that tax changes affect behaviour.

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The thrust of a lot of policy these days is to keep people working.

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As the economic role of government expanded in 20th century Canada, governments lost sight of the law of diminishing returns.

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Some of us are making a lot of money because we’re at that stage of life—others of us aren’t.

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If passed in its current form, the Republican tax bill may result in US$1 trillion in tax cuts for U.S. businesses over the next 10 years.

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Canada's personal income tax system costs Canadians nearly $7 billion a year in time, accountant fees and tax software.