personal income tax rate

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BC United’s ‘largest tax cut in B.C.’s history’ plan fails to address main tax problems

The province has the fourth-highest top combined personal income tax rate among all provinces and U.S. states.

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High-income earners pay disproportionate share of taxes despite Ottawa’s rhetoric

This year the top 20 per cent of income-earning families in Canada will pay 54.2 per cent of total taxes.

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Reality check—Ottawa’s capital gains tax hike hurts Canada’s economic wellbeing

The tax increase will deter business investment in the economy and chase away capital.

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Ontarians face some of the highest income tax rates in North America

An individual making C$50,000 per year faces a higher income tax rate in Ontario than in every U.S. state.

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Canadians face bigger tax burden than you think

According to polling data, 80 per cent of Canadians don’t want average families to pay more than 40 per cent of their income in taxes.

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Federal government misleading Canadians about ‘fair share’ of taxes

The bottom 20 per cent of income-earning families pay 0.7 per cent of all federal and provincial personal income taxes.

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Americans won’t accept Swedish-style taxes

The top tax rate in Sweden applies to income starting at roughly US$62,000 compared to between US$535,000 and US$1 million in the United States.