Fraser Forum


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Almost half of all independent schools in Ontario have a religious orientation.

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Public schools in Alberta require more than $13,000 taxpayer dollars to educate a student while independent and charter schools require under $5,300 and $9,000 respectively.

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Between 2003-04 and 2012-13, spending on public schools in Canada increased by 45.9 per cent.

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From 2003/04 to 2012/13, enrolments in public schools in Canada declined by 4.9 per cent compared to 17.2 per cent in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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With more prudent education spending, Ontario could have reduced its provincial deficit by two-thirds.

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Alberta remains the only province that permits the establishment and operation of charter schools in Canada.

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Last week marked the one-year anniversary of the exoneration of Lynden Dorval, an Edmonton physics teacher who was fired for giving zeroes on student assignments that were not completed.

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This year marks the 30th anniversary of the report from the Commission on Private Schools in Ontario, so it’s a good time to crack open the several hundred pages and consider several proposals that, for a variety of reasons, were ignored.

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Prime Minister Trudeau's letter to Finance Minister Bill Morneau lists 27 priorities—we offer a quick reaction to 13 of these priorities.

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The Quebec secondary school rankings are out and once again they offer evidence that, at some schools, academic results are improving.

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