Fraser Forum


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Ontario teachers should shoulder greater share of strike pain

The province's base education budget is scheduled to increase by 2.5 per cent this year.

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Erroneous attacks won’t change data on Nova Scotia education

Provinces PISA scores in all three subjects are below the national average.

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Overall average provincial scores drop in all three PISA test subjects

Three years later B.C. has fallen to fourth place in reading, science and math.

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Busting the myth of Ontario's 'massive education cuts'

Between 2006/07 and 2015/16, per-student inflation-adjusted spending on public schools in Ontario increased by 18.5 per cent.

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Provide Schools Choice in Curriculum

The government monopoly on education curriculum eliminates diversity and experimentation that can lead to better methods of teaching.

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B.C. spent $11,216 per student annually on public schools compared to $13,115 in Alberta. 

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Research documents successful performance-based incentive experiments in England, India, Israel, Houston and Nashville.

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The share of Grade 9 students in Alberta scoring “below acceptable standards” in math increased more than 34 per cent.

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Charter schools outperformed all other types of schools in Alberta’s Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) written in Grades 6 and 9.

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