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New poll finds strong support for socialism in the U.K.

Among Britons aged 18 to 34, support for socialism increases to 53 per cent.

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Federal government continues to peddle misleading debt numbers

The total value of government debt in 2022 in Canada exceeded the entire size of the economy by more than 10 per cent.

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Saskatchewan records budget surplus but remains on resource revenue roller-coaster

Per-person spending will reach $14,790 in 2023/24—an increase of about 5 per cent from 2019/20.

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Nova Scotia government should eliminate hidden tax hike in upcoming budget

Most governments across Canada have recognized that it’s unfair to collect additional tax revenue on salary adjustments.

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New Brunswick stays the course with surplus and tax reductions
The province will record a $40 million budget surplus this year.

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Federal government will likely violate fiscal anchor during economic downturns

The effects of a recession could set off a debt “doom loop” with the debt ratio spiralling upward.

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B.C. government paves way for historic run-up in debt

The province's debt-to-GDP ratio will climb to a projected 22.5 per cent in 2025.

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Ford rejects Harris spending approach and follows path of Wynne and Rae

Ontario is approaching an all-time high in inflation-adjusted per-person spending.

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