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Alberta’s reform budget in perspective

The budget includes a 1.6 per cent nominal spending reduction over four years.

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Middle-class prosperity in Canada—some facts

Mona Fortier is the new “minister for middle-class prosperity.”

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Upcoming PISA results will shed light on student performance across Canada
Canada’s national math score dropped 16 points from 2003 to 2015.

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Vancouver’s latest policy on rental development—big bang, or more timid tinkering?

The more floors allowed in new projects, the more feasible they become.

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Be nice to the price—be very nice to the price

In Quebec, there were major demonstrations in response to the Charest government’s attempt to raise university tuition.

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Ford government should solve Ontario’s electricity-cost problem

Residential electricity prices in Toronto rose by 5 per cent in one year.

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So how broke is the Canada Pension Plan?

It’s close, but assets do exceed liabilities.

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Eliminating barriers to competition—the overlooked remedy for high cellphone bills

Canada has the second-highest levels of barrier to entry into the telecoms industry of all OECD countries.

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