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Rent control—bad policy will not correct bad policy

When Ontario announced a modest reform earlier this year, groups lined up to defend rent control.

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Candidates in Manitoba promise more spending—which is already the problem

The annual cost to service the province's debt has hit $1.1 billion.

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A free press must be free of government

If lots of people are reading newspapers, advertisers would have noticed by now.

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Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion back on track

Depressed prices for Canadian heavy crude oil cost Canada's energy industry C$20.6 billion in foregone revenues.

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The ordeals of Canadian health care

Doing time on a health-care waiting list is pure loss—no one gains from your waiting.

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Alberta’s blue-ribbon panel should recommend spending reform

Interest payments on Alberta's government debt jumped from $61 (per person) to $655.

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Wind lobby ignores consequences of ‘renewable’ energy

Job losses attributed to rising electricity costs outweigh the jobs created in the renewable energy sector.

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Trump’s trade war—backing us into the 1930s?

One effect of the 1930s was the emergence of trade blocs.

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Ottawa’s net debt projected to hit $859 billion by 2023-24

No Opposition party has signalled it would balance the budget in the near- or medium-term.

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