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Hydro transmission line may run along west side of Lake Manitoba.

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We got to hear classical music from an early age, at a low financial cost to my parents.
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Enbridge won the support of the majority of aboriginal groups along the path of the pipeline.

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Canadians born in 1971 or after can now expect to receive a meagre rate of return from their CPP contributions of between 2.3 per cent and 2.5 per cent (depending on their specific year of birth).

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In the case of the Atlantic provinces, all four have unemployment well above the 6.8 per cent national average, with Newfoundland's at 12 per cent and P.E.I.'s at 11 per cent.

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Well-designed consumption taxes, of which sales taxes are one type, are much less damaging.

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Enhanced child benefit shuffles money among middle-class families via an expensive bureaucracy.

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