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Cape Town Studios—a great example of how cooperation in an industry pulls people half way around the world to collaborate.

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The returns of the CPP's investment arm in no way influence the CPP retirement benefits received by Canadian workers.

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The rate of return under the current CPP system is 2.1 per cent for Canadians born after 1971.

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Report mostly an anti-development manifesto that says little about the health or breadth of Canadian parks and protected areas.

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The CPP tax increase is just one of many tax increases imposed by the new federal government on middle-income Canadians.

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The EU has seen growth of bureaucratic and administrative apparatus and a regulatory environment not always economic-growth enhancing.

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If new housing supply can adequately respond to spillovers in demand, there’s no reason for bidding wars in middle-class neighbourhoods.

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Labour dispute notwithstanding, if fax is on its way out, post may already be gone.

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