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Uneven Recovery: Job Creation in Ontario’s Urban Centres between 2008 and 2018

Uneven Recovery: Job Creation in Ontario’s Urban Centres between 2008 and 2018, which compares the job-creation numbers of various regions across Ontario, finds that 90.8 per cent of all net job-creation in the province since the 2008/09 recession occurred in the GTA and Ottawa.

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Examining Federal Debt in Canada by Prime Ministers Since Confederation, 2020

Examining Federal Debt in Canada by Prime Ministers Since Confederation, 2020 finds that Justin Trudeau is the only prime minister since 1900—and only one of three prime ministers since Confederation—whose government increased Canada’s per-person debt without facing a world war or recession. Compare that to other recent governments led by Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin and Lester B. Pearson whose tenures were also without a world war or recession. The Chrétien government cut per-person federal government debt by 13.3 per cent followed by Martin’s (7.6 per cent) and Pearson’s (6.7 per cent).

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Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in Atlantic Canada

Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in Atlantic Canada finds that public-sector employees in the four Atlantic provinces—including municipal, provincial and federal government workers—received 11.9 per cent higher wages on average than comparable workers in the private sector in 2018, and also enjoyed more generous pensions, earlier retirement, more time off for personal leave and greater job security.

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Refining Alberta’s Equalization Gambit

Refining Alberta’s Equalization Gambit argues that, despite popular misconceptions (particularly in Central Canada), Alberta can compel other provinces and the federal government to negotiate aspects of the Constitution including equalization. The essay cites past Supreme Court judgments and germane sections of the Constitution Act, 1982.

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Should Upper-Income Canadians Pay More Income Tax?

Should Upper-Income Canadians Pay More Income Tax? finds that in 2017, the latest year of comparable data, the top 10 per cent of income-earners earned 34.2 per cent of Canada’s total income—yet paid 54.6 per cent of the country’s total income taxes.

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Understanding Universal Health Care Reform Options: Private Insurance

Understanding Universal Health Care Reform Options: Private Insurance finds that among 17 high-income countries with universal health care—including Australia, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands—all of them use private health insurance in some capacity to pay for medically necessary health-care costs, except Canada. Crucially, among those countries with comparable data, Canada has the longest wait times for medical necessary treatment.

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The Growing Debt Burden for Canadians

The Growing Debt Burden for Canadians finds that, since 2007/08, the year before the last recession, combined federal and provincial debt has grown from $837.0 billion to a projected $1.5 trillion in 2019/20. The study also breakdowns provincial debt burdens based on several different measures.