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The Fiscal Performance Index measures the performance of the Canadian provinces and the US states with 14 variables that reflect changes in spending, changes in government revenue, and changes in the structure of taxation.

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The Fraser Institute conducted a Canadian national survey to determine the prevalence, costs, and patterns of alternative medicine use, such as chiropractic, naturopathic, and herbal therapies. We questioned respondents on their attitudes towards both conventional and alternative health care to gauge public demand for policy action in these areas.

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The 1999 Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools 1999-03-01 In March 1998, the Fraser Institute published A Secondary Schools Report Card for British Columbia (hereafter, Report Card 1998). For the first time, a variety of relevant, publicly available data were c

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Since 1994, Paul Martin's fiscal policies have eliminated the budget deficit which had threatened Canada with serious financial instability. His prudent budget forecasts and the use of a contingency reserve have restored public faith in the budget process. He can justly be proud of these achievements, but his job is not yet complete.

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This Public Policy Source provides a review of the economics of minimum wage laws and, in particular, of the empirical literature on some of the economic impacts of minimum wage laws. It also provides an overview of the Canadian data on who earns the minimum wage. By examining the incidence of the minimum wage, it is possible to determine whether the minimum wage is likely to achieve its official objective of raising the incomes of the poor.

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In its simplest form, economic freedom involves the freedom to make choices, freedom of exchange, and protection of private property. Any major impediment to the exercise of these rights as a result of intervention by government is a violation of economic freedom. The freest of economies will operate with a minimal amount of government interference, relying upon personal choice and markets.

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This paper provides key information missing from the campaign of the Nisga'a, the government of British Columbia, and the federal government promoting the Nisga'a agreement. It first comments on this campaign and then presents the missing information under 12 headings.