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Investor Perceptions of Alberta’s Oil and Gas Policy Changes is a special bulletin examining the Fraser Institute’s 2015 Global Petroleum Survey results for the province of Alberta. The bulletin reveals that perceptions about Alberta as a place to invest are deteriorating thanks in-part to the Alberta government’s recent energy policy initiatives such as an increase to the corporate income tax, changes to environmental policies and a review of the province’s energy royalties.

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Toward Free Trade in Canada

Following the conclusion of negotiations for the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with the European Union, the study, Toward Free Trade in Canada: Five Things the Federal Government Can Do To Open our Internal Market, outlines several opportunities for freer trade among Canadian provinces.

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For-profit Hospitals and Insurers in Universal Health Care Countries spotlights how six countries—Australia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland—make use of for-profit health care within their universal systems. It finds, that based on the experiences of these countries, for-profit hospitals and insurers are compatible with universal health care.

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Expanding Choice in Ontario's Public Schools

Expanding choice in Ontario’s public schools examines initiatives that the Ontario government could implement if it was interested in offering parents more school choice — alternative K-12 public schools that emphasize a specific teaching philosophy, particular language, culture, subject-matter or religion.

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Economic Development in Jeopardy

Economic Development in Jeopardy? Implications of the Saik'uz First Nation and Stellat'en First Nation v. Rio Tinto Decision, spotlights how the recent Supreme Court decision opens the door for future aboriginal title litigation by First Nations groups against private parties —litigation previously only brought against provincial and federal governments.

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Immigration form

Immigration and the Welfare State Revisited finds that despite recent policy initiatives to improve the economic prospects of immigrants, Canadian taxpayers still bear a heavy fiscal burden to support newcomers. Specifically, the study calculates that the difference between the tax payments of new immigrants and the value of government services they consume was about $5,329 per immigrant in 2014.

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Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools 2015

The Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools 2015 ranks 454 public, private, Francophone and Anglophone schools based largely on the results from provincewide tests in French, English, science, mathematics and history.