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Post-boom Spending in Alberta

Increased spending on government programs has diverted taxpayer money away from other top priorities in Alberta, finds a new study by Mark Milke. The study, Post-boom spending in Alberta: A $41 billion splurge and lost opportunities, compares Alberta’s program spending (government sector salaries, for example) with other types of spending and investment.

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Canadian Consumer Tax Index 2014

The average Canadian family spends more on taxes than on food, shelter and clothing combined, finds a new study released today by Charles Lammam and Milagros Palacios. The study Canadian Consumer Tax Index tracks the total tax bill of the average Canadian family from 1961 to 2013.

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Myths and Realities of First Nations Education Infographic

Too many on-reserve First Nations students “graduate” without a recognized high school diploma because many on-reserve schools don’t meet provincial educational standards, finds a new study by Ravina Bains. The study, Myths and Realities of First Nations Education, spotlights the lack of structure and other major problems with on-reserve First Nations education in Canada.

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Employers across Canada are employing innovative methods to combat labour shortages, finds a new study by Philip Cross. The study, Do Labour Shortages Exist in Canada?, spotlights demographic and geographic employment trends across the country.

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Economic and Fiscal Comparison of Alberta and Other Provinces and States

Despite a wealth of natural resources and booming economy, the Alberta government’s finances fall short when compared to other energy-rich North American jurisdictions, finds a new study by Livio Di Mateo, Jason Clemens, and Joel Emes. The study, An Economic and Fiscal Comparison of Alberta and Other North American Energy Producing Provinces and States, compares Alberta to Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, Alaska, Wyoming, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, North Dakota and Colorado.

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The Arab Spring disrupted an already turbulent region. A denial of economic freedom launched the Arab Spring but despite this origin, little economic thought has emerged in its wake. This lack of an economic policy vision may be under-appreciated and will make economic reform more difficult and create barriers to fulfilling aspirations for other freedoms and democracy. As global experience has shown, economic reform is important not just for its own sake but also for promoting and enabling other reforms.

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The organization that reviews oncology medicines in Canada may unnecessarily delay approvals while cancer patients suffer, finds a new study by Nigel Rawson. The study, Has pCODR Improved Access to Oncology Drugs?, spotlights the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR), which recommends new oncology drugs to the provinces and territories (excluding Quebec) after clinical and cost-effectiveness assessments. The pCODR was established in 2010.