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Measuring Ontario’s Regional Prosperity Gap

Measuring Ontario’s Regional Prosperity Gap is a new study that compares average incomes in Ontario, Quebec and eight American states in the Great Lakes region. It finds that in 2019, Ontario’s GDP per person trailed neighbouring Michigan by nearly $4,000, and in fact, Ontario lags the regional average GDP per person by $16,607, or 27.1 per cent.

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The Implications of Slowing Growth in Canada’s Labour Force

The Implications of Slowing Growth in Canada’s Labour Force is a new study that finds Canada’s shrinking labour force participation rate will likely hinder economic recovery and contribute to rising budget deficits in governments across the country. The percentage of Canadians working or looking for work has continued to drop for decades, predating the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Will Cutting Income Tax Rates Create Jobs for Canadians?

Will Cutting Income Taxes Create Jobs for Canadians? is a new study that finds if the federal government reduced the top personal income tax rate from 33 per cent back down to 29 per cent (the rate before the 2016 tax hike), it would facilitate the creation of approximately 110,000 private-sector jobs the following year.

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The Private Cost of Public Queues for Medically Necessary Care, 2021

The Private Cost of Public Queues for Medically Necessary Care, 2021 is a new study that finds long waits for surgery and medical treatment cost Canadians almost $2.8 billion in lost wages and productivity last year. Crucially, the total median wait time in Canada for medical treatment was 22.6 weeks in 2020 - the longest in the survey’s 30-year history.

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Math Performance in Canada

Math Performance in Canada is a new study that finds students across Canada experienced declining results in international math tests from 2003 to 2018. According to PISA data over a recent 15-year period, Canada had the fifth highest score among 37 participant countries in 2003, but Canada’s score dropped to 12th place among the 78 participating jurisdictions in the most recent 2018 assessment.

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The Essential John Stuart Mill spotlights the famed English philosopher and economist whose views on liberty, individualism and women’s rights were well ahead of his time.

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Prime Ministers and Government Spending: 2021 Edition

Prime Ministers and Government Spending, 2021 Edition finds that the federal government is projected to spend $17,091 per Canadian in 2020/21—more than double what the government spent per person during the peak of the Second World War ($7,769) and nearly twice what was spent during the 2009 recession ($8,993). But even before the COVID-19 pandemic struck, Ottawa was already spending at record per person levels.