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Technology, Automation, and Employment

Technology, Automation, and Employment: Will this Time be Different? is a new essay series that finds despite dire predictions, burgeoning technologies (including automation, artificial intelligence and robotization) will likely not lead to substantial job losses in Canada and beyond.

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Private Sector Capital Expenditures in Canada: An Industry-Level Analysis finds that business investment has recently declined in two-thirds of the non-government sectors that make up the Canadian economy, representing the most severe drop in investment in at least 30 years, a period that includes several recessions. Crucially, business investment is key to raising living standards and increasing economic prosperity for Canadians.

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Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools 2019

The Report Card on British Columbia’s Secondary Schools, 2019 rates more than 250 public and independent secondary schools based on seven academic indicators using student results from annual provincewide exams, grade-to-grade transition rates, and graduation rates. The Report Card provides parents with information they can’t easily get anywhere else. In addition to five years of academic results, the Report Card also shows which schools are improving or falling behind.

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Revenue Effects of Tax Rate Increases on High-Income Earners

Revenue Effects of Tax Rate Increases on High-income Earners spotlights the federal government’s top personal income tax rate increase (from 29 per cent to 33 per cent), which took effect in 2016. And compares the effects of the tax increase on federal government revenue based on two scenarios—if there were no behavioural responses from taxpayers and if taxpayers responded by changing their behaviour.

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Apples to Apples: Making Valid Cost-Benefit Comparisons in Climate Policy

Apples to Apples: Making Valid Cost-Benefit Comparisons in Climate Policy finds that cost-benefit analysis is a powerful tool for guiding climate policy, but easily falls prey to common errors. For example, comparing the cost of an additional climate policy in Canada to the benefits of stopping all climate change.

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Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools 2019

The Report Card on Alberta’s Elementary Schools 2019 ranks 852 public, separate, francophone, independent and charter schools based on seven academic indicators derived from provincewide test results. The report card provides parents with information they can’t easily get anywhere else: In addition to five years of academic results, the report card shows which schools are improving or falling behind.

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Report Card on Alberta's High Schools 2019

The Report Card on Alberta’s High Schools 2019 rates 262 public, independent, separate and charter schools based on eight academic indicators generated from Grade 12 provincewide testing, grade-to-grade transition and graduation rates.