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The Fraser Institute's fifteenth annual waiting list survey found that Canada-wide waiting times for surgical and other therapeutic treatments fell slightly in 2005, making this the first reduction in the total wait for treatment measured in Canada since 1993.

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This publication has been written to inform Canadians about the theories and insights of Public Choice Theory, to document government failure from the reports of the Auditor General, and, perhaps most importantly, to describe the mechanisms available to reduce government failure.

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The Transparency of Labour Relations Boards in Canada and the United States documents the level of transparency of the 10 provincial Labour Relations Boards in Canada , the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB), and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in the United States. All 12 of these LRBs deal with private-sector collective bargaining. Our intent is to measure and thereby encourage greater transparency and openness among Labour Relations Boards.

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This paper recommends a continuation of the efforts to achieve a better use of the high skill levels of the recent wave of educated immigrants. However, its main recommendation involves a fundamental reform of Canada's immigration selection process to prevent the need for such measures and to avoid large costs to taxpayers in the future.

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The index published in Economic Freedom of the World measures the degree to which the policies and institutions of countries are supportive of economic freedom. The cornerstones of freedom are personal choice, voluntary exchange, freedom to compete, and security of privately owned property. Thirty-eight components and sub-components are used to construct a summary index and to measure the degree of economic freedom in five areas: (1) size of government; (2) legal structure and protection of property rights; (3) access to sound money; (4) international exchange; and (5) regulation.

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The Yukon's secondary schools generally follow the British Columbia curriculum and its grade 12 students participate in the same final exam in key academic courses as British Columbian students do. Since these exam results for the basis for the annual Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools and since all the data to calculate the overall rating out of 10 are now available, we will include the Yukon schools in the BC Report Card starting with the 2006 edition to be released next spring.

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For the next stage of post-September 11 supply chain security, Canada and the United States can better protect their mutual freight flows against terrorist penetration by engaging the logistics system on its own operational terms. A network-centric approach would match real-time data flows with cargo that is constantly moving through numerous hands and dispersed geographically across the globe.