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Government Debt and Other Liabilities in the City of Vancouver

Unlike most nearby municipalities, the City of Vancouver is in the red, financially, and has been for more than a decade, finds a new study by Charles Lammam and Hugh MacIntyre. The study, Government Debt and Other Liabilities in the City of Vancouver, spotlights government liabilities (debt, employee pension obligations, etc.) in Vancouver between 2002 and 2013.

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Aboriginal ceremony

The recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling, granting a group of six B.C. First Nations title to a large piece of land outside their reserves, will have national implications and will likely stunt economic development across Canada, finds a new study by Ravina Bains. The study, A Real Game Changer, breaks down the ruling, which granted more than 1,700 square kilometres of land in B.C.’s Interior to the Tsilhqot’in Nation.

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The Price of Public Health Care Insurance

A typical Canadian family with two parents and two children will pay up to $11,786 for public health care in 2014, finds a new study by Bacchus Barua and Milagros Palacios. The study, The Price of Public Health Care Insurance, helps Canadians better understand health care costs and the value they receive for their tax dollars.

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Free markets and civil peace

Higher levels of economic freedom can help reduce the risk of violent conflict in countries around the world, finds a new study by Fred McMahon, Indra de Soysa, and Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati.

The essay, Free Markets and Civil Peace, examines the relationship between economic freedom, which is measured by several factors (trade openness, level of government involvement in the economy, level of judicial independence), and civil unrest.

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Log Export Policy for British Columbia

Almost no topic in British Columbia forestry has been more controversial than what to do about log exports. Unions and some politicians argue for a complete ban, while previous economic analysis has favoured free trade in logs. Meanwhile, the current government has been happy to allow limited log exports, so long as these logs are not of the highest quality and are deemed surplus to domestic needs. This paper compares three policy options for British Columbia’s log exports: a ban, an export quota, and free trade.

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Benefits of Incremental Innovation Infographic

Despite claims from critics, incremental innovations by drug companies provide great value for doctors and patients, according to the study, The Benefits of Incremental Innovation.

The study spotlights the value of incremental innovations, which include relatively modest improvements to existing pharmaceutical drugs compared to dramatic breakthrough innovations.

Some critics argue that incremental innovations in pharmaceuticals waste resources on minor improvements of existing products, but incremental innovation helps spawn new medicines and cutting-edge therapies that enhance and extend life.

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Health Care Lessons from the Netherlands Infographic

Despite similar costs, the Dutch health care system features shorter wait times than the Canadian system with similar to superior outcomes.