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Since 1997, The Fraser Institute has conducted an annual survey of metal mining and exploration companies to assess how mineral endowments and public policy factors such as taxation and regulation affect exploration investment. Survey results represent the opinions of executives and exploration managers in mining and mining consulting companies operating around the world. The survey now includes data on 72 jurisdictions around the world, on every continent except Antarctica, including sub-national jurisdictions in Canada, Australia, and the United States.

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While cooperation between Canada and the United States has been poor, there are hopeful signs.

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The federal government has claimed credit for Canada's economic turnaround in the second half of 2009, but data from Statistics Canada tell a different story.

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The Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools 2010 reports a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance. These indicators are used to calculate an overall rating for each school. On the basis of this rating, the schools are ranked. The Report Card brings all of this information together in one easily accessible public document so that anyone can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools. By doing so, the Report Card assists parents when they choose a school for their children and encourages and assists all those seeking to improve their school.

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This annual report provides patients with some of the information they need to determine whether the time they wait for access to new medicines in Canada is unnecessarily long, and whether publicly funded and managed drug insurance programs provide adequate benefits and choice for patients. This report focuses on new patented medicines because this class of drugs is uniquely affected by public policies that delay access for patients.

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The Report Card on Ontario's Elementary Schools 2010 collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one, accessible document so that anyone can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools. The Report Card assists parents when they choose a school for their children and encourages and assists all those seeking to improve their schools.

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Over the past two years, the federal government has undergone an unfortunate fiscal transformation. After running budget surpluses for over a decade, the federal government is now projecting substantial budget deficits into the foreseeable future.

Like most governments in the developed world, Canada's federal government spent its way into deficit. While the spending increases were intended to help mitigate the impact of the collapse of financial markets and resulting economic recession, these measures turned away from Canada's recent sound fiscal management and set the nation back down the path of massive deficits and increased debt.

To stop the increases to Canada's debt burden and to improve the country's long-term competitiveness, the 2010 federal budget should swiftly improve the federal government's fiscal position. This Fraser Alert examines the source of current and future deficits, explains why the federal government should not continue its stimulus spending, and offers recommendations for a fiscally prudent 2010 federal budget.