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Catching Up and Falling Behind: The Five Economic Eras of Atlantic Canada, 1961–2019

Catching Up and Falling Behind: The Five Economic Eras of Atlantic Canada, 1961–2019 is a new study that tracks the economic performance of the region through the years compared to the rest of Canada. It finds that incomes (measured in per person GDP) in the Maritime provinces, which had been catching up to incomes in the rest of the country, began to fall again in 2010, dropping from $7,907 lower than the rest of Canada (excluding Alberta) in 2010 to $11,034 lower in 2019.

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Can Canada Avoid Europe’s Energy Crisis?

Can Canada Avoid Europe’s Energy Crisis? is a new study that finds the Canadian federal government is pursuing aggressive climate policies similar to those that have largely contributed to energy prices skyrocketing in Europe, including the mandated transition to renewable energy sources and higher carbon prices.

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Understanding the Changing Ratio of Working-Age Canadians to Seniors and Its Consequences

Understanding the Changing Ratio of Working-Age Canadians to Seniors and Its Consequences is a new study that finds as Canada’s population ages, the number of working-aged Canadians relative to the number of seniors has declined from 5.4 in 2000 to 3.4 in 2022, which means government spending related to seniors is increasing at the same time that the growth in tax revenues is declining.

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The Indian Act— A Barrier to Entrepreneurship

The Indian Act—A Barrier to Entrepreneurship finds that Ottawa could improve First Nations entrepreneurship, which is key to prosperity, by further removing barriers to property rights within the Indian Act.

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What Changed in Alberta from the Fall 2021 Mid-year Update to Budget 2022

What Changed in Alberta from the Fall 2021 Mid-year Update to Budget 2022 is a new study that finds following a windfall in resource revenue, the recent Alberta budget increased program spending by $4 billion over the next three years. This increase in spending is above and beyond what would be required to keep pace with inflation and population growth.

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Testing Canadian K-12 Students—Regional Variability, Room for Improvement

Testing of Canadian K-12 Students: Regional Variability and Room for Improvement finds that governments across Canada could improve provincewide student testing programs by offering regular uniform testing at multiple grade levels and making school and district performance results available to the public, which would incentivize educational improvements.

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Polling Canadians’ Support for New Federal Government Programs

Polling Canadians’ Support for New Federal Government Programs is a new study, based on a Leger poll commissioned by the Fraser Institute, that finds support for national dental care, pharmacare and $10-a-day daycare drops significantly when tax increases are included, specifically GST hikes. In fact, 4-in-10 Canadians (or less) support the new programs introduced or committed to in the recent federal budget if the GST were increased in order to pay for them.