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Tax and Expenditure Limitations for Canada’s Federal Government: A Primer

Tax and Expenditure Limitations for Canada’s Federal Government: A Primer is a new study that finds if the federal government had introduced more discipline on the growth in government spending beginning in 2015—even one that allowed for all the COVID emergency spending—the federal budget could have been balanced by 2025/26. Instead, the Parliamentary Budget Officer predicts it will be at least 2070 before the budget is balanced.

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The Implications of an Aging Population for Government Finances in Ontario

The Implications of an Aging Population for Government Finances in Ontario is a new study that finds health-care expenditures in the province will increase by an estimated 4.1 per cent annually (on average) over the next 20 years, and as a result of Ontario’s changing demographics, the province may not balance its budget until at least 2040/41 unless it makes changes to its spending.

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Why Is Equalization Still Growing? 2021 Update

Why Is Equalization Still Growing? 2021 Update is a new study that predicts how, due to a design flaw in Canada’s equalization program, “have not” provinces will receive $8.9 billion in overpayments by 2025/26. This design flaw means billions in additional equalization spending in the years ahead, despite the shrinking gap between richer and poorer provinces.

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Comparing Performance of Universal Health Care Countries, 2021

Comparing Performance of Universal Health Care Countries, 2021 is a new study that compares the performance of Canada’s health-care system to its international peers. The data shows that despite Canada being among the most expensive universal-access health-care systems in the OECD, the country has some of the lowest numbers of doctors, hospital beds, medical technologies, and longest wait times.

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The Essential Enlightenment spotlights the intellectual and philosophical movement, based largely in Europe, that spawned the rise of reason and the scientific method.

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Who Earns the Minimum  Wage in Canada?

Who Earns the Minimum Wage in Canada? is a new study that finds despite misperceptions, raising the minimum wage would do little to reduce poverty in Canada. That’s because 92.3 per cent of minimum-wage earners in Canada don’t live in low-income families. In fact, the majority of minimum-wage earners in 2019 (the latest year of available data) were teenagers or young adults aged 15-24, many of whom live with their parents or other family members.