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The Changing Size of Government in Canada, 2007–2018

The Changing Size of Government in Canada is a new study that finds the combined size of the federal, provincial and municipal governments increased in every province, relative to the size of their economies, except Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island over the past 10 years.

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Economic Freedom of the World: 2020 Annual Report

Economic Freedom of the World: 2020 Annual Report is the world’s premier measurement of economic freedom, ranking countries based on five areas—size of government, legal structure and property rights, access to sound money, freedom to trade internationally, regulation of credit, labour and business. In this year’s report, which compares 162 countries and territories, Hong Kong is again number one and Canada (9th) trails the United States (6th).

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Bringing School Choice to Ontario

Bringing School Choice to Ontario is a new study that finds Ontario lacks the school choice for parents and children available to those in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec, as well as 31 U.S. states and most Western European countries. Previous research has found that increased school choice better matches the needs and talents of students with improved programming and resources, and ultimately leads to better education outcomes.

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Report Card on British Columbia's Secondary Schools 2020

The Fraser Institute today released its Report Card on British Columbia’s Secondary Schools, 2020, which ranks 252 public and independent secondary schools based on six academic indicators using student results from annual provincewide exams, grade-to-grade transition rates and graduation rates.

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Canadian Consumer Tax Index, 2020 finds that last year the average Canadian family spent 42.6 per cent of its income on taxes, more than housing, food and clothing costs combined, which made up just 36.2 per cent. The annual study tracks the total tax bill of the average Canadian household from 1961 to 2019, and looks at both visible and hidden taxes that families pay to the federal, provincial and local governments, including income, payroll, sales, property, health, fuel and alcohol taxes, and more.

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Federal Government Wasting Billions on Poorly Targeted Assistance

Federal Government Wasting Billions on Poorly Targeted Assistance is a new study that finds the federal government is potentially wasting more than $22 billion in COVID recession spending because the money is not being adequately targeted to those in need. Crucially, more than one-in-four dollars (27.4 per cent) of the COVID-related spending included in the analysis is potentially going to Canadians with questionable need at a time when Ottawa is running a historic deficit.

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Measuring the Equalization Clawback on Natural Resource Revenue in Have-Not Provinces

Measuring the Equalization Clawback on Natural Resource Revenue in Have-Not Provinces finds that Canada’s equalization program discourages natural resource development in “have-not” provinces, including all three Maritime provinces. As a province receives more revenue from natural resource developments, it receives less money from the federal government in equalization transfers, and consequently, governments in have-not provinces that receive equalization are discouraged by the clawbacks from developing natural resources.