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The Donner Canadian Foundation Awards for Excellence in the Delivery of Social Services were established in 1998 as a means of both providing this well-deserved recognition and rewarding excellence and efficiency in the delivery of social services by non-profit agencies across the country. The national scope and $60,000 purse makes the Donner Awards Canada’s largest non-profit recognition program. Since 1998, $900,000 has been granted to Canadian non-profits through the Donner Awards.

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Contraband tobacco has been a recurring problem in Canada, and one that has become noticeably worse over the past decade. It has been estimated that contraband tobacco makes up roughly 30% of the total Canadian tobacco market. In 2009, the RCMP seized a record high of 975,000 cartons of contraband cigarettes.

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The index published in Economic Freedom of North America rates economic freedom on a 10-point scale at two levels, the subnational and the all-government. At the all-government level, the index captures the impact of restrictions on economic freedom by all levels of government (federal, state/provincial, and municipal/local). At the subnational level, it captures the impact of restrictions by state or provincial and local governments.

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Learning from the Past: How Canadian Fiscal Policies of the 1990s Can Be Applied Today provides a historical overview that identifies parallels between the fiscal challenges facing Canadian governments in the 1990s and those facing governments in 2011.

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This speech was given by Hal Kvisle at a ceremony in Calgary on November 14, 2011 during which he was presented with the T.P. Boyle Founders Award.

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This is the eighth report on economic freedom in the Arab world. The first was published in the Arab World Competitiveness Report 2005 (Lopez-Claros and Schwab, 2005). The second and subsequent editions were published by the International Research Foundation (IRF) of Oman and the Fraser Institute. In 2008, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty, Cairo office, also became a co-publisher.

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It has become fairly common knowledge that patients in Canada have to wait an inordinately long time for access to health care. The Fraser Institute report from 2010, Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, found that while physicians believed a 6.4-week wait was reasonable for medically necessary elective treatment after an appointment with a specialist, on average, Canadians actually waited for 9.3 weeks. Further, a recent article examining the findings of the Canadian Institute for Health Information’s report on wait times demonstrated that in 2010-2011, approximately 80,000 Canadians didn’t get access to priority treatment areas within the lengthy government benchmarks for wait times.

If governments understand the importance of reining in wait times, and more importantly, if physicians themselves acknowledge that patients are waiting longer than is medically reasonable, what is preventing physicians from providing medical services more expediently?

Physicians’ responses to the Fraser Institute’s annual wait times survey may provide some insight.