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Private school attendance in Ontario has grown over recent decades from 1.9 percent of the student population in 1960 to 5.6 percent in 2006. What are the characteristics of private schools? Why are parents increasingly choosing them over public schools? What kinds of parents are choosing them for their children? This study is the most recent and comprehensive attempt by researchers to document the characteristics of private schools and the characteristics and motivations of Ontario parents of private school students.

This study is based on a survey of parents (from 919 households) whose children attend private schools in Ontario. We considered two major groups of private schools: academically- or pedagogically- defined day schools (ADS) and religiously-defined day schools (RDS), schools which together served over 107,000 students in 2005-2006, or almost 90 percent of Ontario private school students. The study did not include schools with a more specialized madate; those specifically for special needs students (11%), schools that cater almost exclusively to international students, or publicly funded First Nations schools.

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Compliance costs refer to the costs incurred by individuals and businesses in complying with tax laws and regulations. Administrative costs include the expenses incurred by governments to manage and maintain the tax system.

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Report Card on Ontario's Secondary Schools: 2007 Edition 2007-04-01 The Report Card on Ontario's Secondary Schools: 2007 Edition collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one, easily accessible public document so that anyone can analyze and compare t

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The Canadian Tax system is complex and there is no single number that can give us a complete idea of who pays how much.

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Report Card on Secondary Schools in British Columbia and Yukon: 2007 Edition. The Report Card on Secondary Schools in British Columbia and Yukon collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one easily accessible, public document.

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In recent years, a growing body of academic studies have attempted to empirically assess the efficiency and usefulness of public sector activities in industrial countries. That is, these studies analyze the impact of government spending on the welfare of citizens by examining a host of economic and social indicators.

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This report analyzes the total time patients must wait in Canada to gain access to newly invented pharmaceutical and biological medicines, also known as patented drugs.