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The Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools: 2006 Edition reports a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance. These indicators are used to calculate an overall rating for each school. On the basis of this rating, the schools are ranked. The Report Card brings all of this information together in one easily accessible public document so that anyone can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools. By doing so, the Report Card assists parents when they choose a school for their children and encourages and assists all those seeking to improve their schools.

This annual Report Card uses relevant, publicly-available data to rate and rank 729 of Alberta's public, separate, private, charter, and francophone elementary schools. This is the only comprehensive and widely-distributed Report Card on elementary schools available in Canada.

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Failure to exercise adequate control over the entry and the departure of non-Canadians on our territory has been a significant factor in making Canada a destination for terrorists. The latter have made our highly dysfunctional refugee determination system the channel most often used for gaining entry.

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Auditors play an important role as gatekeepers to public capital markets. This study compares two approaches to the regulation of public auditors in Canada and the US and offers concrete suggestions for improvement. In particular, this study analyzes and compares the CPAB and the PCAOB, looking at the structure, operation, and governance of the two boards, and analyzing their effectiveness and making recommendations for how they might be improved.

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This study measures and analyzes the export trade in prescription drugs between Canadian Internet pharmacies and American consumers. It does not directly measure the additional value of the cross-border drug trade that also occurs between physical brick-and-mortar retail pharmacy locations and pedestrian consumers.

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Productivity growth in Canada is falling behind that of other industrialized nations and our relative standard of living is also falling as a result. Worse still, the policies enacted to increase productivity over the last number of years have been misguided or have simply not gone far enough. The purpose of this study is to highlight the impending productivity crisis and offer recommendations.

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This paper examines a barrier to the growth of small businesses in Canada. As businesses grow beyond what is deemed to be small business (income in excess of $300,000 to $450,000 depending on location) they face large increases in business income-tax rates. Economic research outlined in this paper indicates that such increases act as a strong disincentive for growth and expansion.

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The 2005 Non-Profit Performance Report 2005-11-01 The evaluation protocol for the Donner Awards is detailed in the annual Non-Profit Performance Report, which is published and distributed each year by the Fraser Institute. The report provides an important reference for non-pr