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Over the past three years, The Fraser Institute has surveyed Canadian companies about the state of Canada-US trade relations and the incidence on non-tariff and non-quota trade barriers that companies operating in Canada face when exporting.

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Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools: 2004 Edition. The Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools: 2004 Edition (hereafter, Report Card) collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one, easily accessible public document.

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This Alert sets out to measure the price and supply impacts of deregulation in the leading reform jurisdictions around the world.

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The Report Card on New Brunswick's Anglophone High Schools: 2004 Edition collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one easily accessible, public document so that all interested parties - parents, school administrators, teachers, students, and taxpayers - can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools.

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Cette fiche de rendement annuel utilise des données pertinentes et accessibles au public pour évaluer et classer vingt-et-une écoles secondaires francophones de la province. Ce nouveau bulletin se sert de huit indicateurs du rendement scolaire pour calculer une cote répondant à cette question : Dans l'ensemble, comment se classe cet établissement sur le plan scolaire?

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In the summer of 2004, the Attorney General of British Columbia responded to the BC Information and Privacy Commissioner who had expressed his official concern that the extraterritorial application of the USA Patriot Act posed a threat to the privacy of British Columbians and other Canadians.

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The Fraser Institute's fourteenth annual waiting list survey found that Canada-wide waiting times for surgical and other therapeutic treatments changed very little in 2004. Total waiting time between referral from a general practitioner and treatment, averaged across all 12 specialties and 10 provinces surveyed, rose from 17.7 weeks in 2003 to 17.9 weeks in 2004.