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There are four different but overlapping regimes of private-property rights-customary rights, certificates of possession, land codes under the First Nations Land Management Act, and leases-already exist on reserves across Canada, as do several unique regimes, such as the Sechelt and Nisga'a cases.

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Within the United States, the image of the medically uninsured being denied important medical treatment stirs the emotions of the American public, while the issue of how to address this problem has bedevilled American politicians throughout the 1990s and into the twenty-first century. The spectre of the medically uninsured in America haunts Canada as well.

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This 6th global economic freedom report, by James Gwartney and Robert Lawson, ranks 123 nations on 37 variables with data back to 1970. Economic freedom is based on personal choice, voluntary exchange, freedom to compete, and protection of the person and property. This requires the rule of law, property rights, limited government intervention, freedom to trade, and sound money.

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In response to requests from across the province, The Fraser Institute has developed, and today released, the inaugural Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools .

This annual Report Card uses relevant, publicly-available data to rate and rank 757 of Alberta's public, separate, private, charter, and francophone elementary schools. This is the first time in Canada that such a comprehensive report on elementary schools has been widely distributed.

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Given the specific challenges facing Saskatchewan, this study includes both immediate and longer- term recommendations. Immediate Policy Recommendations.

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In this Study, the author makes three points. First, to understand contemporary terrorism, one must consider both the material and the spiritual context within which it has developed. Second, an analysis of recent trends in terrorism might answer the question: what, if anything, is new about early twenty-first century terrorism? Third, the paper considers briefly what might be done.

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The Corporate Capital Tax: Canada's Most Damaging Tax explains the nature of the Corporation Capital Tax and documents the extent to which it is used in different jurisdictions within Canada. The explanation makes it clear that the tax is probably the most damaging of all of the taxes on capital, primarily because it is payable whether or not a company has a profit. In addition, the study provides strong evidence that the tax has detrimental effects on productivity and economic growth.