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If recent trends in the annual growth rates for provincial public health-care expenditure and total provincial government revenue from all sources are used to project future growth in these measures, it becomes evident that health-care financing as it is currently structured in Canada is not financially sustainable. Health spending has been growing faster on average than revenue in all provinces for a long time and has also outpaced inflation and economic growth. This has resulted in health care taking up an increasing share of provincial revenue over time.

The analysis of this paper shows that if provincial governments continue to pursue policies that lead to the same rates of growth in health spending and revenue that have been observed in the recent past, public health-care expenditure will soon exceed their capacity to pay. Based on the most recent five-year trends, in seven out of 10 provinces public health spending is on pace to consume more than half of total revenue from all sources by the year 2022, two thirds by the year 2032 and all of provincial revenue by 2050. And, these projections do not take into account the added pressures from an aging population that will further accelerate the growth of provincial health spending as a percentage of total revenue and cause these sustainability dates to occur much earlier.

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The Report Card on Quebec's Secondary Schools: 2005 Edition (hereafter, Report Card) collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one, easily accessible public document so that anyone can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools. By doing so, the Report Card assists parents when they choose a school for their children and encourages and assists all those seeking to improve their schools.

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In Volume II of this series they tackle the goal of giving Canadians the highest quality of life in the world, focusing on improving the provision of K-12 education, welfare, health care, and child care. They show how Canada can become the world's most caring nation - in practice - by implementing policies based on sound principles and powerful fact-based research.

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The Fraser Institute's fifteenth annual waiting list survey found that Canada-wide waiting times for surgical and other therapeutic treatments fell slightly in 2005, making this the first reduction in the total wait for treatment measured in Canada since 1993.

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This publication has been written to inform Canadians about the theories and insights of Public Choice Theory, to document government failure from the reports of the Auditor General, and, perhaps most importantly, to describe the mechanisms available to reduce government failure.

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The Transparency of Labour Relations Boards in Canada and the United States documents the level of transparency of the 10 provincial Labour Relations Boards in Canada , the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB), and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in the United States. All 12 of these LRBs deal with private-sector collective bargaining. Our intent is to measure and thereby encourage greater transparency and openness among Labour Relations Boards.

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This paper recommends a continuation of the efforts to achieve a better use of the high skill levels of the recent wave of educated immigrants. However, its main recommendation involves a fundamental reform of Canada's immigration selection process to prevent the need for such measures and to avoid large costs to taxpayers in the future.