carbon taxes

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Alberta court ruling pushes back on Ottawa’s energy project assessment regimen

The new Act's assessment factors include gender-based analysis and climate change accounting.

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Ottawa must be transparent about real cost of carbon tax

According to the PBO, 60 per cent of households in Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Manitoba will pay more in carbon taxes than what they receive in rebates.

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Chamber of Commerce embraces climate alarmism and attacks businesses in Ontario

The logic of the carbon tax is that it should be the only government incentive.

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Climate targets will make things worse for humanity
The standard climate literature does not justify the Paris Agreement's emission goals.

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Cabinet shuffle spells trouble for Canada’s energy sector

The appointment of Steven Guilbeault can only be explained by his radical commitment to snuff out fossil fuels.

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Central planning by business is still central planning

Canada plans to impose a punitive tax on carbon to discourage emissions, at $170 per tonne by 2030.

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Ottawa’s climate plan ignores the science

The prime minister supports a carbon tax that will max out at $170 per tonne in 2030.

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Federal payout to steel plant exposes carbon tax flaw

The Trudeau government recently announced a federal grant of up $420 million to Algoma Steel.

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Here’s what the Trudeau government won’t tell you about its $170 carbon tax

Cutting emissions by 25 per cent would impose a permanent cost of about 2.0 per cent of GDP.

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A new twist on the carbon tax?

The plan includes a “carbon price” between $20 per tonne and $50 per tonne on fuels.