corporate taxes

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Ontario should follow Alberta’s lead on corporate taxes

Corporate income tax reductions benefit people throughout the economic spectrum, not just the affluent.

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Canada needs meaningful tax reform to compete with U.S. in oil and gas

The U.S. federal corporate income tax rate dropped by 14 points to 21 per cent.

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Canadian policymakers should learn from Trump’s supply-side success

Private-sector capital spending in the U.S. picked up substantially after President Trump took office.

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Canada needs a bold response to more competitive U.S. business tax regime

Cutting the corporate tax rate would help lower Canada’s overall effective tax rate on new investment.

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Corporate tax hike will reduce earnings for typical two-earner household in Alberta by about $830 per year.

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Lower corporate taxes bestow important benefits on individual Canadians.

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Canada's new top federal tax rate of 33 per cent is being layered on top of several tax increases by the provinces.

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When the new federal top tax rate takes effect, Alberta will have one of the highest top rates in North America.