debt and deficit

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Prime Minister Trudeau’s upcoming first budget reportedly contains a deficit in excess of $30 billion.

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Provincial net debt has increased by approximately $160 billion since 2003/04.

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Once new major spending is factored in, the annual deficit is likely to be more than $25 billion.

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By the Ontario government’s own count it has 380,000 regulations on the books, twice as many as the next province.

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Ontario will run its eighth consecutive budget deficit in 2015/16, with a projected $7.5 billion shortfall.

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Since 2007/08, combined federal and provincial government net debt has grown from $834 billion to $1.3 trillion.

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On Thursday, Finance Minister Charles Sousa will provide an update for Ontarians on the state of provincial government finances.

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Since 1990, Ontario has accumulated nearly $265 billion in net public debt. Put another way, nearly 90 per cent of Ontario’s net public debt has been accumulated over the last 25 years.