Federal government spending (per person) is at a record high.
federal government spending
If the conditions of the 2008-09 recession were repeated, the annual deficit would skyrocket to $120.5 billion.
For April and May of this year, federal government program spending increased by $6.3 billion.
Canadians can make their own judgement about value for money.
The federal deficit could hit $34.4 billion should Canada go into recession.
In 2018, per person program spending (inflation adjusted) reached $8,869, the highest point in Canadian history.
Albertans made a net contribution of more than $20 billion in 2017/18.
The 2018-19 federal deficit will be $800 million higher than projected in the government’s budget.
Tax revenue from Albertans helps fund services all Canadians enjoy.
Canada’s gross debt will increase this year by almost $120 billion.