housing affordability

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Cities such as Vancouver and Toronto, with longer and less certain approval timelines, tended to see less growth in housing stock.

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Affordability in Toronto has eroded to an all-time low, with prices jumping by more than 50 per cent in the past five years.

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Regulatory red tape is resulting in fewer new homes than there otherwise would be with a growing pool of buyers, contributing to rising prices.

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Unfortunately the discussion on housing affordability has been dominated by handwringing over foreign homebuyers and low interest rates.

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Restricting Greater Toronto’s housing supply has consequences beyond the initial impacts on housing affordability.

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The Bank of Canada and other central banks around the world have artificially lowered interest rates, making investment and risk-taking much cheaper.

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Higher home prices are strongly associated with restrictive land-use regulations.

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In Vancouver, it takes an average of 15 months to get a residential development approved—nearly five months longer than in neighbouring Burnaby.