liquor control

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No better time than summertime to privatize alcohol sales in P.E.I.

Monopolies generally drive prices up by restricting competition.

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Remove the LCBO from the hands of politicians

The provincial government recently intervened in the Crown corporation's internal business decisions.

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Don’t stop at beer—Ford government should privatize all liquor sales

The Beer Store owns a monopoly on all 12-pack and 24-pack beer sales in the province.

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Time for governments to boldly reduce government spending

There’s nothing peculiar about letter delivery, trains, television and radio programs, or alcohol sales that justifies governmental operation.

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Privatize the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation—it’s a no-brainer

The private sector typically provides better hours, better selection and more convenience for customers.

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Since prohibition ended in the 1920s, British Columbia liquor laws have been significantly liberalized, moves that most British Columbians have welcomed.