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Newfoundland and Labrador government must restrain spending to avoid debt crisis

Residents of the province face the highest provincial government debt interest costs in the country.

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Newfoundland and Labrador celebrated Tax Freedom Day later than every other Atlantic province

The average family in the province earning $117,564 will pay an estimated $56,588 in total taxes.

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Atlantic Canada lags behind rest of country on key employment indicators
The unemployment rate in Atlantic Canada was 8.7 per cent compared to 5.5 per cent in the rest of the country.

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Newfoundland and Labrador government should review government wage bill

Paying a premium for labour puts a burden on taxpayers and the province’s books.

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Newfoundland government can deliver ongoing cheques to residents—here’s how

A portion of earnings from Alaska's fund are paid to Alaskan citizens as dividends.

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Newfoundland and Labrador’s ‘Future Fund’ needs robust fiscal rules

According to Alaska’s constitution, the state government must deposit 25 per cent of all mineral revenues into its fund each year.