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Fraser Institute ranked top think-tank in Canada

The Fraser Institute is the top think-tank in Canada for the 11th straight year and ranks 18th most influential think-tank worldwide, according to the 2018 Global Go To Think Tank Index published by the University of Pennsylvania and released this week in New York and Washington, D.C.. Among independent think-tanks, which the University of Pennsylvania report defines as having independence from any one interest group or donor and autonomous in its operation and funding from government, the Fraser Institute ranks 11th best worldwide for the second year in a row.

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Education Spending in Public Schools in Canada: 2019 Edition

Education Spending and Public School Enrolment in Canada, 2019 finds that spending on public schools across Canada increased in every province over the past decade by an average of 17.3 per cent, on a per-student basis, after adjusting for inflation. Nominally, spending increased from about $49 billion in 2006/07 to nearly $65 billion in 2015/16, the most recent year of available Statistics Canada data. Teacher and staff compensation (salaries, pensions and benefits) accounted for 84 per cent of that increased spending, rising from $35 billion to more than $48 billion over the same 10-year period.

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Assessing British Columbia's Tax Competitiveness

Assessing British Columbia’s Tax Competitiveness finds that B.C. now has the ninth highest top combined personal income tax rate in Canada and the United States, which hurts the province’s ability to compete with neighbouring jurisdictions for skilled-workers and investment. The province also has the highest taxes on business investment anywhere in Canada.

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Restoring a Competitive Labour Market in Alberta

Restoring a Competitive Labour Market in Alberta: Examining Right-to-Work and Other Policy Changes finds that, in light of Alberta’s continuing economic challenges and the rise of competing jurisdictions such as Texas and North Dakota, making the province’s labour market more competitive could improve economic growth and benefit Alberta workers.

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Pharmaceutical Regulation, Innovation, and Access to New Drugs: An International Perspective

Pharmaceutical Regulation, Innovation, and Access to New Drugs: An International Perspective finds that the federal government’s plan to lower prescription drug prices through changes to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board could impede access of new life-saving drugs for Canadian patients and even discourage innovation in the pharmaceutical sector.

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Prime Ministers and Government Spending, 2019 tracks annual per person program spending (adjusted for inflation) by prime ministers since Confederation, and finds that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now recorded two of the three years with the highest levels of government spending in Canadian history, including times of war and recession. The all-time high was recorded by Prime Minister Stephen Harper during the 2009 recession.

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Report Card on Ontario's Elementary Schools 2019

The Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools ranks more than 3,000 anglophone and francophone public and Catholic schools (and a small number of independent schools) based on nine academic indicators from results of annual province-wide reading, writing and math tests.