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The Truth about CEO and Worker Compensation

The Truth about CEO and Worker Compensation finds that much of the sensationalism about CEO compensation is based on myths and misperceptions. In fact, CEO compensation in Canada largely reflects the nature of the job, the skills required and the global demand for top talent. And the pay gap between CEOs and workers identified in some studies is often overestimated—sometimes by as much as 81 per cent—as a result of faulty comparisons.

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Generosity in Canada and the United States: The 2019 Generosity Index

Generosity in Canada and the United States: The 2019 Generosity Index finds that the amount of money Canadians donate to registered charities—as a share of their income—has hit a 20-year low, and Canadians remain far less generous than Americans. According to the index, Utah remains the most generous of all 64 jurisdictions in North America, and Manitoba is again the most generous Canadian province or territory, but still only ranks 44th out of 64. Of the bottom-15 least generous jurisdictions in North America, 12 are Canadian.

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The Human Freedom Index 2019

The Human Freedom Index, 2019 finds that New Zealand is again the freest country in the world, followed by Switzerland and Hong Kong. Canada ranks 4th globally, and the United States ranks 15th in this year’s report. The index ranks 162 countries and jurisdictions based on 76 indicators of personal, civil and economic freedoms and is a joint project with the Cato Institute in the U.S. and Germany’s Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

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Economic Freedom of the Arab World: 2019 Annual Report

Jordan is the most economically-free nation in the Arab world, followed by Bahrain and the U.A.E., according to the Economic Freedom of the Arab World: 2019 Annual Report, co-published by the Fraser Institute, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty and the International Research Foundation. This report compares and ranks 22 Arab nations in five areas of economic freedom: size of government, including expenditures, taxes and enterprises; commercial and economic law and security of property rights; access to sound money; freedom to trade internationally; and regulation of credit, labour and business.

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Gaining Ground, Losing Ground: First Nations' Community Well-Being in the 21st Century

Gaining Ground, Losing Ground: First Nations’ Community Well-Being in the 21st Century finds that, despite billions of dollars in government spending, nearly one of every five First Nation communities in Canada has experienced a decline in living standards since 2001.

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Education Spending in Public Schools in Canada: 2020 Edition

Education Spending in Public Schools in Canada, 2020 Edition finds that nominal spending on public schools across Canada has increased in every province in recent years. After adjusting for inflation and enrolment changes, per-student spending still increased in seven out of 10 provinces from 2012/13 to 2016/17, the most recent year of available Statistics Canada data.

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Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2019 finds that the median wait time for medically necessary treatment in Canada this year was 20.9 weeks. This is the second-longest wait ever recorded by the Fraser Institute, which has been measuring wait times across Canada since 1993 when patients waited just 9.3 weeks. Among the provinces, Ontario had the shortest median wait time this year at 16.0 weeks, and Prince Edward Island recorded the longest wait time (49.3 weeks).