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Uneven Recovery: Much of Ontario Still Hasn't Fully Recovered from the 2008 Recession

Uneven Recovery: Much of Ontario Still Hasn't Fully Recovered from the 2008 Recession finds that employment growth in Ontario since the recession has been heavily concentrated in the Greater Toronto and Ottawa areas, while many of the province’s other cities and towns are still struggling economically. In fact, 11 of the province’s 23 urban areas actually experienced net job losses from 2008 to 2016.

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Canada’s Aging Population and Implications for Government Finances

Canada’s Aging Population and Implications for Government Finances finds that the aging population will put significant stress on government spending programs and could increase deficits for federal and provincial governments to an estimated $143 billion by 2045—three and a half times larger than total federal and provincial government deficits in 2017.

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An Analysis of Federal Debt in Canada by Prime Ministers Since Confederation

An Analysis of Federal Debt in Canada by Prime Ministers Since Confederation tracks the debt legacies of every Canadian prime minister and finds that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is on track to increase per-person federal debt more than any other prime minister who didn’t face a world war or economic recession.

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Comparing the Family Income of Students in Alberta’s Independent and Public Schools

Comparing the Family Income of Students in Alberta’s Independent and Public Schools finds that despite common misperceptions, Alberta families with children in most independent schools actually have slightly lower incomes than families with children in public schools.

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Rising Electricity Costs and Declining Employment in Ontario’s Manufacturing Sector

Rising Electricity Costs and Declining Employment in Ontario’s Manufacturing Sector finds that Ontario’s rising electricity prices—now the highest in Canada—have cost the province an estimated 74,881 manufacturing jobs since the 2008 recession.

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Business Investment in Canada Falls Far Behind Other Industrialized Countries

Business Investment in Canada Falls Far Behind Other Industrialized Countries finds that Canada trails other developed countries when it comes to levels of business investment, which is critical to grow the economy and increase living standards. In fact, Canada is 16th out of 17 developed countries when it comes to business investment as a share of GDP, and 15th of 17 for business investment per worker.

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Uninsured Mortgage Regulation: From Corporate Governance to Prescription

Uninsured Mortgage Regulation: From Corporate Governance to Prescription finds that requiring a stress test for Canadians who provide at least a 20 per cent down payment to purchase a home—a change proposed by the country’s financial regulator—is an unnecessary step that could negatively affect homebuyers across Canada and do more harm than good.