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Towards a Better Understanding of Income Inequality in Canada

Towards a Better Understanding of Income Inequality in Canada is a new book that finds the problem of inequality isn’t nearly as bad in Canada as people are sometimes led to believe. Canadians are more able, thanks to opportunities of mobility, to get out of a low-income situation, middle-class incomes are not stagnating and most people can and do build-up wealth over the course of their lives.

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Global Petroleum Survey 2017

The 2017 Global Petroleum Survey finds that British Columbia now ranks as the least-attractive Canadian province for oil and gas investment—followed by Alberta. In this year’s global survey, which was conducted after the provincial election, B.C. ranks 76th out of the 97 jurisdictions and earned low marks for political stability and a high cost of regulatory compliance. Alberta ranks 33rd. Newfoundland and Labrador was the most attractive Canadian province for oil and gas investment, and ranks 4th worldwide. Texas is the most attractive jurisdiction globally for oil and gas investment, followed by Oklahoma.

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Economic Freedom of the Arab World: 2017 Annual Report

The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are this year tied as the most economically-free nations in the Arab world, according to Economic Freedom of the Arab World: 2017 Annual Report, co-published by the Fraser Institute, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty and the International Research Foundation. This report compares and ranks 22 Arab nations in five areas of economic freedom: size of government, including expenditures, taxes and enterprises; commercial and economic law and security of property rights; access to sound money; freedom to trade internationally; and regulation of credit, labour and business.

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The Age of Eligibility for Public Retirement Programs in the OECD

The Age of Eligibility for Public Retirement Programs in the OECD finds that Canada is out of step with most major industrialized countries—and the other G7 nations—which are increasing the age of eligibility for public retirement programs. In fact, of the 22 high-income industrialized countries (apart from Canada) in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 18 of them—82 per cent—are increasing the age of eligibility for government retirement programs.

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Bending the Curve: Recent Developments in Government Spending on First Nations

Bending the Curve: Recent Developments in Government Spending on First Nations finds that First Nations across Canada are generating billions in revenue for themselves—and not only from natural resources. According to the study, the average own-source revenue total for approximately 80 per cent of all First Nations in Canada (those with publicly available data) was $5.9 million in 2015/16.

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Canada’s Climate Action Plans: Are They Cost-effective?

Canada’s Climate Action Plans: Are they cost-effective? finds that current provincial plans will cost Canadians billions and likely produce very little environmental benefits, based on a detailed review of provincial climate action plans and results from countries and other jurisdictions around the world that have pursued similar policies.

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The Impact of Interprovincial Migration of Seniors on Provincial Health Care Spending

The Impact of Interprovincial Migration of Seniors on Provincial Health Care Spending finds that migrating seniors have increased B.C.’s health-care costs by more than $7.0 billion over the past 36 years, while effectively saving Quebec $6.0 billion. That’s because Canadians pay most of their lifetime taxes during their working lives, but consume most of their health-care costs after they retire. B.C. and five other provinces saw a net inflow of seniors since 1980, while Quebec and the other provinces saw a net outflow.