ontario economy

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Ontario employment gains—an uneven picture

Five Ontario economic regions actually lost jobs in 2019.

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Ford government should act to improve Ontario’s improving economy

From 2007-2016, private-sector employment growth in Ontario averaged just 0.6 per cent annually.

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Alberta’s problems hurt Ontario—here’s how

In 2017, Alberta’s net contribution to the federal government was $21.8 billion and Ontario’s was $16.6 billion.

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Ford government should heed Michigan's success

The Ford government tables its budget next week.

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Big deficits or slash-and-burn—the Ford government’s false choice

A nominal total spending freeze would mean annual reductions in inflation-adjusted per-person spending of about three per cent.

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Between 2008 and 2016, 98.6 per cent of all net job-creation in Ontario took place in Toronto and Ottawa.

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On spending and deficits—if nothing changes, nothing changes

Despite Premier Ford’s rhetoric, government spending in Ontario will still be up markedly this year.

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Dear Premier Ford, please look forward—not back

If the government exercises spending restraint, it can eliminate Ontario’s $15 billion deficit in roughly three years.