women's rights

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Economic freedom can help improve allocation of human capital for men and women
The gender wage gap is largely explained by differences in the educational and employment choices of men and women.

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Many of us who live in the Free World recognize that free government, free exchange, free expression, free markets and free trade deliver better outcomes than autocracy, autarky, control, conformity and coercion. However, among those who have come of age in the decades since the end of the Cold War, there is neither an innate sense that freedom is better than the alternative nor a default belief in the power of individual liberty.

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Ottawa’s new gender pay ‘equity’ law will actually hurt female workers

Ottawa wants to force workplaces to provide free women’s sanitary products to employees.

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Ford government ‘task force’ unnecessarily targets women

Ontario plans to spend $117.3 million on training programs for women and minorities.

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Freedom and equality for women and minorities—the real history you may not know

Progressive economists sought to exclude “unfit” workers—mostly women and minorities—from the labour market.