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Reality check—B.C. does not enjoy ‘strong investment’ in mining sector

Investment in B.C.’s mining sector was $720 million in 2021—21 per cent less than in 2020.

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Emergencies Act another blow to Canada's international reputation
The Act allows the government to, without a court order, freeze the bank accounts of Canadians.

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‘Debt’ decision looms for Ontario’s government

The government projects a budget deficit of $21.5 billion for 2021-22.

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Ontario cities experiencing dismal population and job growth

Several major cities including Windsor and Thunder Bay experienced a rate of job creation below the national average.

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Much of Ontario struggled even before the pandemic

Three of the province's CMAs experienced employment growth at less than half the national average.

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Alberta’s fiscal challenges will continue post-pandemic

The proportion of Albertans age 65 and over will reach 18.8 per cent by 2040.

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Atlantic Canada—no room for fiscal complacency

In the Maritimes, a larger share of provincial revenue comes from Ottawa than in any of the other provinces.

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Millions of Canadians enjoy representation without taxation

The top 20 per cent of income-earning families in Canada pay more than half of total taxes.

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All families should have access to independent schools during COVID and beyond

Government has an obligation to ensure all children are educated, but this does not mean government must run every school it funds.

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Federal finances improve marginally, but the Trudeau government ignores risks  Federal finances improve marginally, but the Trudeau government ignores risks

According to the update, the government will continue to spend well in excess of projected revenues.

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