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Ford government pursuing McGuinty-style deficit-reduction strategy

According to government forecasts, Ontario’s debt will climb to $502 billion in 2023/24.

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Supply constraints drive home prices in Canada

In April, the average price for a home in Canada hit $723,500.

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Ontario among region’s poorest jurisdictions

Michigan’s per capita GDP was $3,911 higher than Ontario's.

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Reality check—the dangers of debt accumulation

Canada's total government debt now equals 107 per cent of GDP.

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Line 5 shutdown would be devastating for Quebecers, Ontarians and the environment

The pipeline carries approximately 540,000 barrels of oil and natural gas liquids to refineries in Ontario.

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Ottawa should wind down massive COVID subsidies to businesses
The program's total budgeted costs for 2020/21 and 2021/22 now stand at $110.6 billion.

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Tax cuts could create 110,000 jobs for Canadians
Several provinces now have top combined income tax rates exceeding 50 per cent.

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