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Ontario’s debt legacy makes balancing budget harder

According to the 2020 budget, the government will spend an estimated $12.5 billion on debt interest.

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Ontario’s combined government debt exceeds 100% of GDP

By 2020/21, the provincial net debt equaled $27,010 per Ontarian.

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Ford government faces pivotal choice in upcoming budget

Ontario's debt interest costs are expected to increase to $13.9 billion in 2022/23.

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How leaving people alone makes us rich

Every year in Canadian and U.S. grocery stores, 20,000 new products are tried out.

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Guaranteed annual income program could cost $465 billion per year

Bill C-273 calls on the federal finance minister to assess a potential guaranteed annual income in Canada.

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Ford government faces critical decisions as budget day looms

According to forecasts, Ontario's net government debt will approach $463 billion in 2022/23.

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Scoring the economic performance of Canada’s last five prime ministers

The 2016-2019 period had the weakest economic performance of the five periods analyzed.

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1990s put Alberta’s fiscal problems into alarming perspective

As a share of the provincial economy, Alberta's recent deficits are larger than those incurred in the early ’90s.

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Kenney government must learn from Alberta’s fiscal freefall

Both B.C. and Saskatchewan now carry less per-person provincial government debt than Alberta.

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Trudeau government sets sights on legal gunowners—while ignoring criminals

Bill C-21 allows anyone to ask the courts for a warrantless search and seizure.

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