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Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in Ontario, 2023 Edition

Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in Ontario, 2023 Edition finds that the wages of government employees in Ontario are 34.4 per cent higher, on average, than wages in the private sector in 2021, the most recent year of available comparable data from Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey.

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Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in Quebec, 2023 Edition

Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in Quebec, 2023 Edition finds that the wages of government employees in Quebec are 32.2 per cent higher, on average, than wages in the private sector in 2021, the most recent year of available comparable data from Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey.

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ESG Is Mainly Top-Down Planning by Elites

ESG Is Mainly Top-Down Planning by Elites is a new essay in the Institute’s series on the Environmental, Social and Governance movement. In it, adjunct scholar Matt Lau details how the refocus of business and financial activity toward ESG concerns has been pushed from above by government bodies and politically powerful organizations at the expense of individual investors.

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Lockdown: A Final Assessment

Lockdown: A Final Assessment spotlights how government lockdowns during the pandemic did little to reduce COVID deaths yet imposed widespread economic and social costs including an increase in deaths not directly linked to COVID.

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Why Did Jurisdictions Repeatedly Use Inefficient Lockdowns During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Why Did Jurisdictions Repeatedly Use Inefficient Lockdowns During the COVID-19 Pandemic? examines the behaviour of governments who enacted and enforced lockdown policies they knew were ineffective and/or misguided.

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Comparing Median Employment Income in the Atlantic Region to the Rest of Canada

Comparing Median Employment Income in the Atlantic Region to the Rest of Canada is a new study that focuses on Atlantic Canada compared to central and western Canada, and finds that the average median employment income in Atlantic Canada in 2019 was $32,175 while in central and western Canada the average median employment income was $37,583—16.8 per cent higher.

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ESG is Corporate Socialism

ESG is Corporate Socialism is the latest installment in the Institute’s series on the Environmental, Social and Governance movement. It details how ESG undermines the duty of business executives to act in the best interests of the corporation, and in so doing, actually undermines capitalism itself.