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How Income and Wealth are "Earned" Matters in Understanding Inequality

How Income and Wealth are “Earned” Matters in Understanding Inequality spotlights several countries and the different ways people earn income and accumulate wealth. Understating these differences is essential in understanding the nature of income and wealth inequality—and the potential problems it may pose.

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The Costs of Pipeline Obstructionism

The Costs of Pipeline Obstructionism finds that the Canadian economy is losing billions of dollars in industry revenues and government royalties due to lengthy delays of pipeline project approvals.

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Rates of return for expanded CPP remain meagre

The provinces and the federal government have reached an agreement in principle on Canada Pension Plan expansion, with ratification of the agreement expected this week. But despite an expanded CPP, workers in Canada—particularly younger workers—will still receive a meagre rate of return from their CPP contributions.

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Biologics Revolution in the Production of Drugs

The Biologics Revolution in the Production of Drugs, spotlights the emerging science of biologic medicines, which involve genetically engineering living cells to produce needed proteins. Biologics have shown great promise in the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of more than 250 diseases including a variety of cancers. The study finds that Canada’s protection of intellectual property (IP) for biologic medicines lags behind other countries, limiting access and stunting investment.

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Impact of Land-Use Regulation on Housing Supply in Canada

The Impact of Land-Use Regulation on Housing Supply in Canada spotlights 68 municipalities (including 18 of Canada’s largest) and finds that onerous municipal regulations for residential development are reducing the supply of new homes in Canada’s biggest cities and contributing to rising home prices.

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Michael Walker appointed to the Order of Canada

Dr. Michael Walker, founder and former longtime executive director of the Fraser Institute, has been appointed to the Order of Canada, the cornerstone of the Canadian Honours System, which recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the country.