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Financial Markets, Laws, and Entrepreneurship

Financial Markets, Laws, and Entrepreneurship and Spurring Entrepreneurship through Capital Gains Tax Reform—chapters in a recent book on demographics and entrepreneurship—find that eliminating, or at least lowering, Canada’s uncompetitive tax rate on capital gains is the best policy for encouraging entrepreneurial financing, which is critical for new business startups.

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The Price of Public Health Care Insurance, 2018

The Price of Public Health Care Insurance, 2018 finds that a typical Canadian family of four will pay $12,935 for health care in 2018. After adjusting for inflation, that’s an increase of 68.5 per cent since 1997, the first year estimates could be calculated. For single Canadians, health-care costs have more than doubled over that same time period—from $2,115 (in 2018 dollars) to $4,640 this year.

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Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in British Columbia, 2018

Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in British Columbia finds that public-sector employees in B.C.—including municipal, provincial and federal government workers—received 7.5 per cent higher wages on average than comparable workers in the private sector last year, and also enjoyed more generous pensions, earlier retirement, more personal leave and greater job security.

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Permit Times for Mining Exploration in 2017

Permit Times for Mining Exploration in 2017 finds that investors are losing confidence in the mineral exploration permit process in many Canadian provinces—including British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec—which has grown longer over the past 10 years and less transparent.

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Implications of the proposed changes to Canada's pharmaceutical pricing regulations

Implications of the Proposed Changes to Canada’s Pharmaceutical Pricing Regulations finds that the federal government’s plan to lower the cost of patented pharmaceuticals in Canada through new regulations seriously risks limiting patient access to new innovative drugs. The is the first study in a series on pharmaceutical drug pricing policy reforms.

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Phasing Out Supply Management: Lessons from Australia's Dairy Industry

Phasing Out Supply Management: Lessons from Australia’s Dairy Industry finds that Canadian consumers and the dairy industry could both benefit from phasing out supply management. In fact, immediately following deregulation of Australia’s dairy industry in 2000, the price of milk dropped 12 cents per litre, and farm gate prices—the price farmers receive for their product—increased 56 per cent. Australian milk farmers now export about half their product, making dairy the country’s third most important agricultural export after beef and wheat.

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The Effects on Entrepreneurship of Increasing Provincial Top Personal Income Tax Rates in Canada

The Effects on Entrepreneurship of Increasing Provincial Top Personal Income Tax Rates in Canada finds that many provincial governments across Canada are discouraging entrepreneurship and preventing hundreds of new businesses from being created by increasing top provincial personal income tax rates, which reduces the incentives for entrepreneurs to start new businesses.