corporate tax rates

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Tax reform will increase possibility of four-day workweek in Canada

Canada ranks among the highest tax jurisdictions in the industrialized world for taxes on personal income, businesses and capital.

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Kenney corporate tax cuts aren’t just a ‘handout to the rich’

Alberta's corporate income tax rate will drop from 10 per cent to 8 per cent.

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Trudeau government must restore Canada’s tax competitiveness—now more than ever

The Trudeau government raised the top federal income tax rate from 29 per cent to 33 per cent.

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Canada needs a bold response to more competitive U.S. business tax regime

Cutting the corporate tax rate would help lower Canada’s overall effective tax rate on new investment.

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Ottawa and many provincial governments have increased already uncompetitive personal income tax rates.

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News that Burger King and Tim Horton’s are merging and that the new company will be headquartered in Canada has taken the business and political world by storm. U.S. politicians and left-of-centre groups denounced the transaction as “tax dodging” and warned of a public backlash against the well-known burger chain.