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Trudeau housing plan ignores local drivers of affordability

In reality, housing is a local issue that requires local solutions.

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Kenney stands by Notley’s personal income tax hike

Kenney could have proposed pairing his 8 per cent corporate tax with an 8 per cent single-rate personal income tax.

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Corporate income tax reductions—good for all Albertans

Until recently, Alberta had the most pro-growth tax regime in Canada.

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Budget advice—Bill Morneau, channel James Robb

"Work and thrift are the only sure roads to success."

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The two sides of Rachel Notley

Berman’s views have evolved from sustainable development to “steady extinguishment” of the oilsands.

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Quebec, don’t fall prey to fiscal illusion

In 2018, the province's net debt represented 43 per cent of the economy.

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How a business prime minster might have handled SNC-Lavalin

Canada would benefit from a stricter separation of business and state.

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Spending, not lack of revenue, driving Ottawa’s red ink

All the estimates converge to a federal deficit of more than $12 billion by 2022-23.

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