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The reality of inequality is in the United States

Many households, especially those at the bottom of the income distribution, receive government transfer payments.

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Advertisements mislead Canadians about the CPP investment board

The bulk of current contributions fund the benefits to current retirees.

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Fewer vacancies bad news for Montreal renters

Average rents grew by 2.5 per cent, amounting to about $30 more per month.

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Unemployment is lower than it’s been in at least 42 years.

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Sale prices in the Greater Toronto Area at the end of 2016 were almost 110 per cent higher than a decade prior.

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If Canadians were free to import from the U.S. without paying tariffs, a frozen turkey would cost 15 per cent less.

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Eliminating “overpayments" could reduce regional tensions.

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Quebec banned shale gas fracking and tightened rules for oil and gas drilling. 

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For as long as equalization has existed (since 1957), Quebec has always received the largest payment.

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