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On average, it takes one-and-a-half years before builders can break ground in Toronto.

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Mayor-elect Kennedy Stewart wants to reach 85,000 new housing units over 10 years.

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Competitiveness by the numbers is only partly helpful

In the World Economic Forum’s recent Global Competitiveness Report, the U.S. ranked 1st and Canada ranked 12th.

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According to a report commissioned by the province, more than 115,000 new housing units were awaiting approval in six Metro Vancouver municipalities.

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Trade is good for both countries, but not everyone in both countries benefits from trade.

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Ontario’s minimum wage will stay at $14 per hour next year.

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This China clause has been portrayed as a humiliating imposition on Canadian sovereignty.

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Developer fees comprised 13.2 per cent of municipal revenue in the City of Vancouver in 2016.

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More and more every day, judges make decisions that impact all of us.

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Both Toronto and Vancouver require at least one space per residential unit in most of the city.

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